Friday, April 14, 2017


Dan Rather was on Don Lemon last night, with David Axelrod. They were talking about the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb that was dropped on Afghanistan, by which crafty Overcomber seeks to distract his base, those daytime diner attendees in Kaintuck, Ohio, Oklahoma, Alabammy, Virginny &c. 

(A dingy diner somewhere in the Red State zone is where the BBC people always go to corral some Justified-style intellectuals to talk about how vigorously they support the President.)

They were referring to the bomb by its acronym, MOAB, which had cleverly also been translated to mean "Mother Of All Bombs." Then Dan Rather coughed and tweaked his bowtie and in his self-important manner remarked, "Strictly it should be called The Mother of All Conventional Bombs. There is also the Hydrogen Bomb." 

"Then the acronym would be MOACB."


"I.E not so catchy."

"No. But accurate.  Courage."

* * * * * * * * * * 

The voice on the street today when it turned out that the MOACB had killed thirty-six people was: "You would think with the –– the ginormity of the weapons... Thirty-six people. Somebody could do that with a truck."

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