Friday, April 28, 2017

"Best Vice President Ever" B/W "Old Kellyanne Conway Joke (Who?)."

1. BBC presenter refers to Trump as "President Chump".

2. Chump today saying that Mike Pence is "a great guy and a great vice president. In fact he's one of the best vice presidents ever."

Yeah, Overcomber, and I'm sure you did a thoroughgoing analytical study, deep in research, before you came to that conclusion. I'm sure you doggedly and exhaustively read studies and biographies of all the vice presidents that came before Pence to form this scholarly opinion.

3. I found this note sitting unnoticed in a digital "Notes" file on my wife's iPhone and it was too satirically tight and manifestly on the ball and in general too fucking brilliant not to publish:

"Kellyanne Conway. I don't mean to be unkind but her face kooks like vomit.

Royal Trux cover."

[I said "kooks" when I meant "looks" although "kooks" is not without relevance when discussing this woman, who, however, is nowhere to be seen on the world stage these days. Why don't we see her curled up with her feet on the couch in the Oval Office any more? Has she actually literally been swept under a rug like the cluster of desiccated faeces she so exactly resembles?

Also, the "Royal Trux cover" in question is the one to Sweet Sixteen, a terrific album with what Pitchfork calls a "disgusting" cover. It is a toilet full of puke that seems to be forming a face –– the revolting face –– could we but have known it all those years ago –– of Kellyanne Conway!]

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