Monday, March 27, 2017

"Siberian Junk / Those Cows."

Did you read or possibly hear on your radio about the little old man whose son overdosed on heroin and so, naturally, raging and pulsating with righteous grief, he went to a Trump Rally looking for answers, how to stop this from happening again ("for somebody to blame").

He had decided he would illumination on the Trump campaign trail.

Trump was awfully sympathetic to his plight (gotta gettum votes boy) and Don the Overcomber pared his nails while he said said "Yes it's awfully tragic awfully disastrous sick bad, well it's Shillary's fault and I tell yeou this wouldn't happen in Russia". (They send junkies to Siberia.)

The man said, "Ah'm just tickled pink [orange]. Ah'm going to shew up at all your rallies with just my faihful guitar and my good arm and strum some old cowboy songs about how great you are and how bad Shillary is and the drugs that she so artfully peddles to the young men. Woman: her ways are intricate and malevolent and she has her devilish designs to beguile us menfolk."

"Ye-esssss," said Trump, staring dully into the back wall of infinity.

Now it transpires that the man whose son died of a heroin overdose after playing hundreds of Trump rallies is awfully disappointed with Trump. It occurs to him after playing hundreds of Trump rallies that he isn't quite certain Trump is of an entirely veracious character. It occurs to him after playing hundreds of Trump rallies that maybe he didn't actually sit down and give this the properest amount of thought.

He wonders to himself in those dark nights if Overcomber Don is quite the churchgoing Christian he claimed to be.

Elsewhere on BBC America there was an interview with a disgruntled (or "dismooed"!) farmer in the Corn Belt who felt like Trump had seduced, abandoned and betrayed him. To which I responded, "Aw diddums –– you dummy. Did the nasty politician mislead you? YOU HALFWIT OF COURSE HE MISLED YOU!!! You're fired!"

Nevertheless he had some amazing cows.
They look like they have been "gene-spliced" with

1) A lop-eared rabbit
2) A camel.

Who are these cows and exactly what do they know? Are they a unique product of the Chernobyl "Steppes"?

Are these cows even real? Or were they automata doctored by young Latvians ("Latverians") with a darknet version of malware and a 3D printer? Are these Feejee Mermaids in the Twenty-First century? 

Is this whaddayoucallit is this "fake news"? 

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