Everybody in the news industry was taking the opportunity to swear flagrantly on teevee. It was a swear-fest. They loved to do it. They were collectively going at it like longshoremen. The word "shithole" was bandied around with secret glee, I suspect. They loved the chance to swear. Chris Cuomo's co-anchor in the morning, [INTERN: PLEASE FILL IN HER NAME HERE] was dignified and wouldn't do it, she devised a series of stately pirouettes around the word, she made a stand for decency. Chris Cuomo leant over, pinky raised, and hollered, "I believe the word you are looking for is SHITHOLE." She pulled a pollyannaish moue and squirmed in her seat.
"Thanks Chris."
(Update: my wife pointed out to me that it wasn't Chris Cuomo at all but the guy who stands in for him [INTERN: PLEASE FILL IN HIS NAME HERE]. Talk about your "fake news media.")
Some people were trying to bowdlerize the word by saying "S-hole" which is pointless, because it sounded like they were saying "ASSHOLE" which is almost as rude as "SHITHOLE".
They should have substituted "piehole" for the children, man.
Republicans who called Trump's earlier pro–rape remarks "locker room talk" gathered in a hubbub again and decided to designate this language by the epithet "salty". This atrophied schoolmarm Republican woman was claiming, "I use 'salty' language like that in my home too!" I tried to picture it. Couldn't.
"Trumpworld" Republicans were trying to spread the message that "Stand-up blue-collar every-day Joe-Blow Americans everywhere use salty language like this in the privacy of their own living rooms." They were blaming it on the people, turning a disgusting picture of Trump on them and claiming it is a horrifying mirror.
Don Lemon made a whole speech, a good speech, a noble speech, a St. Crispin Crispian speech, and he actually threw one of the fat bulbous-headed Trump proxies off the show. That made the news. What didn't make the news was that Don had the Trump proxy back on about five minutes later when fat bulbous-headed proxy rather insincerely apologised to Don ("You know I love you Don.").
Next Don had on that former CIA man who always gets riled. Phil Mudd. I like Phil, because he's on our "side", but I do wonder privately how successful such a hothead can have been at the CIA. He explodes and vents whenever a camera turns to him. Not a great poker face, Colonel.
This time he made the most of the current taste for profanity. He kept shouting "SHITHOLE" around the room. He said "I'm a vicious shitholer and I'll fight the man what sez I ain't." Then he called himself a "wop," and I said to my wife, "I respect his self-loathing, but 'Mudd' doesn't sound very much like an Italian name."
"Maybe his mother is Italian," my wife said helpfully.
"Maybe," I said. "Good point."
Meanwhile Phil Mudd was calling Don the "N word". He did it twice. The balls on this Italian-Irish-American! I'm surprised he didn't spazz utterly and start calling the other panelists profane epithets. "Hey fuckface." "Hey jizz-licker." et cetera.
Mudd Lemon shithole,
Trump Philip Mudd shithole,
Trump shithole,
shit Muddhole,
Muddy Lemon.
I was half-expecting Don Lemon, who also had his dander up, to go "Nice segment, Muddle. And by the way, if you ever call me that name ever again I will cram my whole adult fist up yer PHILHOLE."
That would have been a clever and original way to close the segment.
I just looked at Phil Mudd's webpage to see what his actual military title is, if he has one (yes, I actually do cursory research for this page), and only hours later he is openly hawking t-shirts with the slogan "PROUD SHITHOLER" on them. He's trying to copyright it I think. He's making –– and the pun is fully intended –– lemonade out of lemons.
Where will it all end, I wonder? Will anchors now take to calling eachother "dickhead" casually on air? Will the cheery call "fuck you" become as popular on air as it is off? Is "shit" no longer profane, in the era of the poop emoji?
Thought: Trump is like a character from Judge Dredd.
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