Tuesday, January 16, 2018

"Salty Talk in the Shithouse Locker Room." Or, "Architectural Critique."

The breaking news is that Ubercomber Don did not say "shithole"–– he said "shithouse".

Is this an architectural critique of Haiti and Nigeria.

Or is the usage of "shithouse"intended here to mean a toilet.

As per the sentence, "The President is as crazy as a shithouse rat."

"The Prez is potty."

Is this more of that "salty talk" we have heard about.

Is this more "locker room" naughtiness.

Is there salt in the locker room.

Is the locker room we are referring to within the building known as the "shithouse".

"My father's shithouse has many locker rooms." –– BARRON TRUMP.

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