Sunday, July 14, 2019

"Trump's Election and That Rise in Suicides."

This isn't really a joke. Does anybody monitor the suicide rate globally? And if so, has anybody noticed a remarkable rise in the number of suicides since You Know Who entered "office"? It seems to me that I am hearing about suicides, both in the press and in everyday existence, every other day.


I was in Sainsbury's a few days ago and thinking about how many overweight people there were. I thought: "It's Trump. Gotta be. People are stress-eating."


Similarly, in my current job, I am cataloguing academic books from the presses. A casual observation, given with kind intent: a whole lotta nonsense coming from these "sterling" presses. I thought, "It's Trump. It's gotta be. People cannot think straight they're so nutso by now. Academics are in a panic like headless chickens in the barnyard running in circles."

Althpugh actually, and then again, I think you could possibly blame it mostly on Jacques fucking Derrida and Trump gets off scot-free.

In fact I think you could blame Trump on Derrida.

If you really want my opinion, and apparently you don't, well here it is: no Trump without Derrida.


When Trump says "frankly" –– which is to say every time he begins a sentence –– he sometimes speaks "frankly" and other times he speaks a terrible untruth.
Like when he'd read the autocue and suddenly wake up from his psychic haze, his eternal demonic drowse that he has infected us all with, to remark, usually with some surprise, "That's really actually true, I actually agree with that."

Trump's so used to saying things he doesn't actually believe that he has to comment when he says something he actually thinks is true.

What I mean is he expects to lie when he speaks.