Friday, August 4, 2017

"Punisher T-Shirt at Trump Rally." Or, "Sympathy For the Punisher."

Did you see the rogue's gallery of hicks and KKK rejects at the rally? The Legion of Substitute Villains?, behind Trump at his rabble-rousing last night in West Viriginny? Did you see the late Kim Fowley in there –– his celebrated corpse –– or was that Yellowman in a curly black wig.

I saw a guy in a Punisher t-shirt there too, cheering for them to bring back the hangman, the gas chamber and the ducking stool, and for that hangman to be named Robert Eugene Lee, for he rideth on a pale horse with a scimitar between his teeth. Chuck Dixon, was that yeou?

It's a shame about Chuck Dixon, because I like a few (I originally wrote "a lot" but went back flushed with the spirit of accuracy and changed it) of his comics and I actually agree with him to an extent about the late instinctive reimagining of every superhero as a so-called "minority". Not because I'm a virulent racist, sexist, homophobe &c. but because they do it so poorly and blunder so badly at the cost of the fine art of penmanship. Most of those reboots suck.

And I thought, "Poor Punisher."

And I thought,
"Poor Frank Castle.
Guy's misunderstood.
He's not a Trump Republican.
He is a mass-murderer,
he is a serial killer,
but he is not a Trump Republican."

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