Friday, June 30, 2017

"How Quickly They Forgot –– Old What's His Name."

In my last blog, in my "comprehensive" list of CNN celebrities and White House hacks that none of my English auditors had ever heard of, even I forgot to mention that lost (or perhaps hiding) man, Reince "Prince Penis" Priebus.

How could I have forgotten such a colorful character who is never far from the eye of the hurricane, the centre of the action? 

Reince Priebus's own wife don't quite know who he is. He comes home and lets himself in the house, walks over to the dining room where they're already eating.  He says, "What, you couldn't wait for me?"
His whole family turns to him and says, "Who are you?"

He ain't Bannon.
He ain't Kushner.
He ain't Flynn.
He ain't Spicer.
He ain't Kellyanne.
He ain't even Jeffrey Lord.

... Who is he again...

There's an article in Vanity Fair calling Rex Tillerson the "Forgotten Man" but that's only because what's–his–name –– Reince –– is so forgettable and ineffectual that the author on the piece about Rex Tillerson being the Forgotten man has actually forgotten about the very existence of –– uh –– Priebus

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