Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"That Is So True."

Is Overcomber Don aware how it looks when he extemporizes with the ejaculation "That is so true" in the middle of his prepared speeches?

"These words I am saying, I actually think this part is true. Most of what I say I don't know or care whether it is true or not. These words are not from me they are from some hack in my staff. But he wrote a true thing when he said that the Turkish nation fights with great bravery."

When the Turkish President talks in his native language, the empty crinkly smirk on Trump's face.

Then the boredom, tapping his fingers impatiently on the lectern.

Now Trump's impersonation of his excellent son, BARRON.

Now Trump staring in boredom at the ceiling in the corner of the Roosevelt Room.

Trump looking around and nodding randomly –– as if he speaks Turkish and thinks, "That is so true."

Now a leer. Now a broad grin and a nod to somebody in the audience. Now bored and waving his head from side to side. "Wonder what Barron's doing now."

                                      "I'd better nod again now."

We were at CarMax in Burbank yesterday in the waiting room and CNN was on. Trump said something about the justice services representing a line "between civilization and chaos" and I laughed out loud. Then I gulped, noting that there were other people in the waiting room, unknown quantities to me, possible "bad actors," and I tempered my laughter. I was watching particularly closely the overweight man in the khaki ballcap –– a classic Trump voter look.

Weirdly, in the next line Trump said something about a policeman killed in the line of duty. I made sure that I had a face of appropriate gravity and moral rectitude at this tragic news factoid, but then Khaki Ballcap, the Trump voter in the room, laughed hysterically. I was perplexed. Sean Spicer came on and was saying that there was no need for a special investigator into the Russian collusion controversy. Khaki Ballcap started shouting at the TV his support for this remark and I became uncomfortable. Then we were called through into the main room and that was that.

Apparently the CarMax in Burbank is the largest in the entire country!

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